By 2020, China intends to raise the standard of living as many of the country's population. Therefore, from this year is tough reallocation of budget funds with a focus on domestic spending. This will reduce the role of China as the world factory. In any case, the investment in this direction are beginning to decline.
In such conditions the U.S. are beginning to show concern about the absence of a mass high-tech manufacturing in the country. Thus, U.S. officials recently held a series of meetings in Silicon Valley in order to promote another government initiative - regional high-tech centers, which would help revive the U.S. high-tech industry.
As an example, the recent establishment of the Centre National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute (NAMII) in Ohio, where it will deal with problems of 3D-printing. Center has received a grant of $ 30 million from the Ministry of Defence and signed a contract with Boeing, IBM and the University of Carnegie Mellon University. Such centers should be established in every state and there it can be more than one. For the program is allocated about one billion dollars at the rate of $ 40 million per center. The centers, in turn, may enter into contracts with private, public or public companies. Related Products :